#Dry skin #oily skin #Sensitive skin #Skin Problem


What's your skin type? Understanding the characteristics of skin types, and two self-check methods to determine your skin type


If you find that your skin does not appear to improve despite your efforts to treat issues such as small wrinkles or roughness, it is probable that you are not utilizing the right skincare for your skin type. To have beautiful skin that suits your age, you must first recognize your skin type.

Skin types differ from person to person and each also has its own characteristics. In general, skincare routines and makeup procedures vary depending on skin type. As a result, recognizing your skin type is critical for skin protection.
In this article, we'll introduce the characteristics of each skin types and two self-check methods for diagnosing your skin type

What's Your Skin Type? Let's diagnose your skin type

To keep your skin in good condition, it's crucial to follow a suitable skincare routine. Begin by determining your skin type and understanding its individual requirements. Knowing your skin type allows you to alter your skincare routine and cosmetic procedures while also identifying any changes that may occur as a result of lifestyle factors. Regular skin checks are recommended to address any skin issues you may have. If you are suffering from skin difficulties, please refer to the following tips:

Generally, skin types are categorized into the following five types, determined by the balance of "moisture" and "sebum" levels in the skin.

Dry Skin

This condition occurs when both moisture and sebum levels are insufficient in the skin. Areas prone to dryness include the cheeks, around the eyes, and around the mouth. If you experience flakiness, poor makeup adherence, or tightness after washing your face, you may have dry skin.

Dry skin is characterized by a weakened barrier function, making it more sensitive to external irritants. For example, even minor irritations such as UV rays, pollen, or rubbing the skin can lead to skin problems. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain proper hydration to support the skin's barrier function.

Oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by an excess of both moisture and sebum levels in the skin, resulting in a shiny appearance, particularly in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin). People with oily skin often experience makeup slipping off easily, and they tend to develop acne, blackheads, and whiteheads due to excess oil production. Additionally, the pores enlarge and become more visible, and the skin's surface may feel greasy, especially around noon.

Some people with oily skin may choose to end their skincare routine with only a toner, particularly if they are concerned about greasiness. However, relying entirely on toner might cause more drying of the skin, resulting in increased sebum production and worsening oily skin. Therefore, it's crucial to seal moisture into the skin with products like emulsions to prevent dehydration.

Moreover, some people with oily skin may experience what is known as 'inner dryness,' a condition where the skin lacks moisture internally. This can lead to excessive sebum production and surface oiliness due to an imbalance in moisture levels.

Additionally, hormonal abnormalities and an unbalanced diet can exacerbate oily skin. Getting enough sleep and eating a well-balanced diet that limits carbohydrates, fats, and alcohol will help develop a better complexion.

Combination skin (Inner dry)

Combination skin, characterized by varying conditions in different areas, often presents with dryness around the eyes and cheeks, while the T-zone is oily and prone to shine. If you experience these skin issues, you likely have combination skin.

'Inner dryness' can contribute to excess sebum production, much like oily skin. To rebalance the skin, it's essential to seal moisture in with skincare products like emulsions, and consider reducing consumption of carbohydrates, fats, and alcohol, as they may exacerbate the condition.

Moreover, 'inner dryness' can contribute to excess sebum production, similar to oily skin. To rebalance the skin, it's crucial to seal in moisture with skincare products like emulsions. Additionally, consider reducing consumption of carbohydrates, fats, and alcohol, as they may worsen the condition.

Normal Skin

Normal skin refers to a skin type that is considered balanced and healthy. It's characterized by having the right balance of moisture, oil production, and resilience. Normal skin generally lacks any major issues such as excess oiliness, dryness, sensitivity, or blemishes.

However, it's important to note that even normal skin can experience temporary changes due to factors like hormonal fluctuations, stress, diet, or environmental conditions. Regular skincare routines and a healthy lifestyle can help maintain normal skin health.
Therefore, to maintain a healthy and balanced state, it's crucial to check your skin's balance and engage in daily skincare routines.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is more reactive and prone to irritation than other skin types. It is characterized by a heightened response to various external and internal factors, which can lead to discomfort, redness, itching, or burning sensations.

Sensitive skin can result from a combination of factors, including weakened barrier function, genetic predisposition, environmental influences, lifestyle choices, and skincare practices. Managing sensitive skin involves avoiding triggers, opting for gentle skincare products, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and shielding the skin from environmental stressors. These measures collectively contribute to alleviating sensitive skin symptoms and promoting skin health.

Two self-check methods to determine your skin type

Even when experiencing skin problems, understanding your skin type allows you to provide appropriate care.
Here are two methods for skin diagnosis!

Morning skin assessment: Check your skin upon waking

Upon waking up, before washing your face, you can assess your skin type by observing the condition of your skin in the U-zone. Here's a summary of your skin type and U-zone condition. Let's take a closer look at how your U-zone skin behaves below!

Skin types U-zone conditions
Dry Skin: The face feels overall dry and may exhibit flakiness.
Oily Skin: The face feels overall greasy, with no dryness present.
Combination Skin: The face feels greasy overall, with possible areas of dryness.
Normal Skin: The face has nearly no greasiness or dryness.

Once you've identified your skin type through skin diagnostic after waking up, you have to adjust your skincare routine to your skin type. For example, people with dry skin should prioritize thorough moisturization to replenish the lacking moisture content.
For those with oily skin, maintaining their pores should be their first priority in order to prevent problems like clogged pores, debris buildup, and skin irritation from excess sebum.
Combination skin requires a thoughtful approach to focused care, including reducing the amount of emulsion or moisturizer used in areas with high sebum, while layering or using thicker moisturizers on dry areas.

Observe Skin After Cleaning

After washing your face, you can determine your skin's type by leaving it untouched for 5 to 10 minutes. Follow these steps to conduct the skin diagnosis and see the results:

1. After washing your face, gently pat it dry with a towel and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes (10 minutes in the summer and 5 minutes in the winter).
2. After the designated time, check your skin's condition in the mirror.
3. Press an oil-blotting paper on your cheeks and T-zone for 10 seconds each to assess the level of oiliness.
4. By observing the post-cleansing condition of your skin and the amount of oil, you can determine your skin type.

Skin types Skin condition after cleaning and results of blotting with oil paper
Dry Skin:

After cleansing condition:

The skin feels tight.
Flakiness is noticeable.
Fine lines around the eyes are a concern.

Oil blotting paper result:

Almost no oil was detected.

Oily Skin:

After cleansing condition:

No feeling of tightness.
Overall greasy sensation on the face.
Fine lines around the eyes are not a concern.

Oil blotting paper result:

Oil is present on both cheeks and the T-zone.

Combination Skin:

After cleansing condition:

Feeling of tightness around the mouth and cheeks.
Greasiness in the T-zone.
Some concern about fine lines around the eyes.

Oil blotting paper result:

Oil is present only on the T-zone.

Normal Skin:

After cleansing condition:

Almost no feeling of tightness.
No flakiness.
Fine lines around the eyes are not a concern.

Oil blotting paper result:

Almost no oil detected.

Sensitive Skin:

After cleansing condition:

Sensation of tingling or irritation.

Oil blotting paper result:

Almost no oil detected.
Note: This may not apply to individuals with sensitive oily or sensitive combination skin.

Also, we recommend calculating the time until the feeling of tightness on your skin disappears.
For example:
For dry skin, it's approximately 40 minutes.
For oily skin, it's approximately 20 minutes.
For normal skin, it's within 30 minutes.
For combination skin, the time may vary due to the differing skin areas.
These assessments can easily be performed at home, so feel free to give it a try.

Domohorn Wrinkle can be used regardless of the season or skin type.

Do you know the fundamental cause of various skin concerns?
It's the decrease in the inherent power of the skin to maintain its health. To fundamentally improve this, it's crucial to draw out "the skin's self-repairing power."
Domohorn Wrinkle has been created with the aim of enhancing skin's self-repairing power, and cover every essential step of your skincare routine, from cleansing, nourishing, and UV protection to fighting the signs of aging skin and keeping your skin healthy and radiant at all times.
Of course, unexpected skin issues may arise. In such cases, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help you find a solution tailored to your precious skin and provide ongoing support in the future.

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