A review section is now available.
We have added a review section to our website, where customers can now leave product reviews to share with us what they think of our products. Target products: each product set and each single product.
How to fill out a form to review a product
Product review can be posted on each product page. Please fill out the form and click "Submit Review" to finish the submission.
The publication of product review
The name of the reviewer, as well a the product review's descriptions, ratings, and images, will all be posted on the website. However, the review could be deleted or modified if it is determined to be malicious or irrelevant to the intended purpose of the product review. Kindly note that the submitted product review may also be published on our website, e-newsletters, and other social media platforms.
Handling of personal information
Customers' personal information received through product reviews will be strictly handled in accordance with our personal information protection policies.